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Thanks for your efforts to provide a sane path forward for the City of Berkeley - a municipal car crash. You may be interested in this report from The Lever:


An excerpt:

Battery capacity is an essential part of the green energy transition, reducing the strain on the nation’s ailing power grid, improving local energy self-sufficiency, and storing renewable energy in off-peak hours. Batteries are especially useful at storing renewable energy when it’s plentiful, like what’s generated by solar panels on sunny days, so the grid can maintain capacity at crucial hours of peak demand at other times, such as rainy days.

The International Energy Agency, a nonprofit that provides policy recommendations, analysis, and data on the global energy sector, says that a rapid increase in battery capacity will be crucial to meet the goals from the last United Nations Climate Change Conference, specifying that the world will need to increase its storage capacity by sixfold to meet 2030 targets, designed to help keep rising global temperatures within 1.5°C.

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